Monday, November 16, 2009

Internasional Mathematics and Science Olympiad

International Mathematics and Science Olympiad (IMSO) for Primary Schools is an annual competition in Math and Science organized by the Directorate of Kindergarten and Primary Education, Ministry of National Education, Indonesia. The competition was initiated in 2003, which was then called AMSO (ASEAN Mathematics and Science Olympiad), since countries invited to the event were solely South East Asian countries. In 2004 the Directorate decided to change the name to IMSO, because countries outside ASEAN were also interested in participating in the event.

The 6th IMSO will take place in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 8 to 14 November 2009. It is a privileged for me to welcome the talented primary/elementary school students in Mathematics and Science. Hosting the International Mathematics and Science Olympiad (IMSO) for Primary School shows how serious we are in trying to improve quality of education as well as providing these students the means to actualize their skills, talent and potentials. This competition is also an excellent event to foster and improve friendly relationships between the students and improve cooperation in education between officials of participating countries.

There are 2 areas IMSO. This area is Science and Mathematic. You can download about IMSO Test by clicking the link.

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