Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mathematical Olympiad

Soal Olimpiade Matematika Nasional
Mathematics Olympiad is one of the strategic forum to realize the theme of educational paradigms increase the power of reason, creativity and critical thinking. Implementation of a sustainable Olympics will have positive impact on the implementation of the learning process to become more creative and innovative. In turn, students will have the opportunity to develop all aspects of personality and learning abilities through creative, effective and fun.

Mathematics Olympiad aims to improve the quality of math and science education at the level of SD / MI, SMP / MTs, and SMA / MA comprehensively through a learning culture, creativity and motivation, the best achievement through healthy competition and uphold the values of sportsmanship .

The following examples math olympics. You can download by click the links.

Problem and solution mathematics olympiad 5-6 grade (SD/MI) download
Problem and solution mathematics olympiad 7-9 grade (SMP) download
Problem and solution mathematics olympiad 10-12 grade (SMA) download

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