Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mathematics Olympiad For Elementary School

Soal Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN) Bidang Matematika SD
In contrast to the usual math, the questions contained in the mathematics Olympiad requires children to use logic high enough. In addition, the use of English in math will be pretty much exhaust the child's mind to understand it before answering questions.
Here are examples of questions used in the Olympic championship for primary mathematics.

  1. A train moving at 55 miles per hour meets and is passed by a trainmoving in the opposite direction at 35 miles per hour. A passenger in the first train sees that the second train takes 8 seconds to pass him. How long is the second train?
  2. Every human that lived on Earth exchanged some number of hand-shakes with other humans. Show that the number of people that made an odd number of handshakes is even.
  3. It is easy to arrange 16 checkers in 10 rows of 4 checkers each, but harder to arrange 9 checkers in 10 rows of 3 checkers each. Do both.
This is download pages for Mathematics and Science Olympiad. You can download by click the links.

Problem and solution mathematical olympiad for elementary school download

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