Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mathematics Olympiad For Senior High School

Soal Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN) Bidang Matematika SMA
Students need the ability to speak english to do the olympic problems in mathematics. Students who are not necessarily good at counting can be an Olympic Champion in math competitions. Questions that are used for selection and very different from the final national exams. Below are examples of types of math problems that may be used in Nasional Mathematics Olympiad and international levels.

  1. A goat uses horns to make the holes in a new 30x60 cm large towel. Each time it makes two new holes. Show that after the goat repeats this 61 times the towel will have at least two holes whose distance apart is less than 6 cm.
  2. You are given 555 weights weighing 1 g, 2 g, 3 g,. . . , 555 g. Divide these weights into three groups whose total weights are equal.
  3. Draw on the regular 8x8 chessboard a circle of the maximal possible radius that intersects only black squares (and does not cross white squares). Explain why no larger circle can satisfy the condition.
Click the link below to download the math olympics problems (Full Version)

Problems and Solution National Mathematics Olympiad 10-12 Grades (SMA) download

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